RFL Website Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“Policy”) describes the types of personal data collected by the RFL through your use of this RFL website, (“Site”), what happens to that personal data and your rights.

‘Personal data’ is essentially information from which an individual person can be identified. 

You should read this Policy together with any other privacy information which may be provided on specific occasions when personal data about you is collected on the Site. That will ensure you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data. This Policy supplements any other notices and is not intended to override them.

The Policy is set out in sections so you can go through to the specific areas you want to know.  The detail is in each section, along with a quick read summary where relevant.


RFL Digital operates the Site on behalf of the RFL. RFL Digital is part of the RFL group of events, so when this policy refers to the “RFL events” that’s what we mean.

Where personal data is collected and used for the purposes set out in this Policy, the RFL Events is a ‘data controller’ under data protection law applicable in the EU (“Data Protection Law”).

When registering for certain services through the Site you may have been asked to confirm which of the RFL football events you are a fan of and whether you wish to be contacted by that league. If you chose a event, it is referred to in this Policy as a “ camp/ challenge”.

To the extent you selected Your Event and agreed to your personal data being shared with it, Your Event will also be a Data Controller in relation to your personal data, for the purpose of Data Protection Law. Your Event will only use your personal data for the purposes you agreed as set out in this Policy, unless it otherwise obtains your consent or has other legal grounds to use it for additional purposes. Links to all Royal Football League official websites can be found , and you can find out further information about Your Event by clicking the relevant link.

References to “we”, “us” and “our” in this Policy are all references to the Royal Football League.


This Policy applies to personal data collected by the RFL Digital Group through your use of the Online Facilities.

Where personal data is collected and used for the purposes set out in this Policy, RFL League and the events are both ‘data controllers’ under data protection law applicable in the EU (“Data Protection Law”). 

You should read this Policy together with any other privacy information which may be provided on specific occasions when personal data about you is collected on the Online Facilities. That will ensure you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data. This Policy supplements any other notices and is not intended to override them.


This Policy applies to personal data collected by the RFL Group through your use of the Site.


This Policy does NOT apply in relation to any data you provide to the RFL League (or Your Event) through offline scenarios separate from the Site, such as unrelated telephone enquiries or in person.

Your League Online Data Collection

This Policy does NOT apply where Your Club collects your personal data online, other than that collected through the Site.  

For further information about how events uses your data in these circumstances, check out the website.

Links to Third Party Websites and Services

We are not responsible or liable for the content, privacy notices or services offered by websites or apps other than the Site. We encourage you to read those notices.

This includes websites and apps which link from any of the Site, with the exception of certain (but not all) club websites which RFL Digital operates on behalf of certain events.


We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you. For the purpose of this Policy we have grouped these together as follows:

  • Identity Data such as your name(s), username or similar identifier, marital status, Event supporter or similar number, title, date of birth, gender and job title (where relevant).

  • Contact Data such as your address, billing address (where different), email address, preferred language and telephone numbers.

  • Financial Data such as your bank account, PayPal account and/or payment card details.

  • Transaction Data such as details about payments to and from you and other details of products or services you have purchased from us or accessed on the Online Facilities (including as part of any iFollow subscription you have).

  • Technical Data such as your internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types versions and statuses, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access the Online Facilities.

        The Online Facilities use cookies, which are small files with a code that is stored on your device, with your consent, and is retrieved when you next visit
        the Online Facilities. This allows information about your use and browsing to be recognised. Full information on which cookies we use is available in
        our Cookies Policy, along with guidance about how you can set your browser to refuse all or some cookies (but that may affect some use of the Online

  • Profile Data such as your username and password, associated social media accounts, supported team or Events, your interests, preferences, posts or comments on interactive features (if any), feedback and/or survey responses.

  • Usage Data such as information about how you use the Online Facilities and services provided through them (including iFollow, newsletters and marketing emails, and advertisements). This may include information about page views, length of visit or use and exit route, timing, frequency and patterns of your use, along with navigation paths when using the Online Facilities – this information does not directly identify you. We use various tools to help us with this, including Google Analytics (see our Cookies Policy for further information). Where you have subscribed to receive the Club newsletter or marketing emails we will also receive information about whether you open, delete, or access links contained in the newsletter, the browser or app type used and whether opened via mobile or desktop.

  • Communications Data includes information you provide when communicating with us, your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and (where relevant) any other communication preferences.

  • Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be generated from your personal data but does not directly reveal your identity. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Policy.

      Special Categories of Personal Data includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political
         opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data). We generally do not collect this information, and where
         we do it is held in an anonymised form detached from your other data so does not reveal your identity. We do not collect any information about criminal
         convictions and offences.

         If you fail to provide personal data

         Use of services accessed through the Online Facilities may require you to provide specific types of information. Where you fail to provide that information,
         we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you. For example, we may not be able to provide you with access to an
         iFollow subscription. 

         Children’s Data

         We understand that children and young people, including those under 13 years of age (“minors”), may visit the Online Facilities or otherwise interact with
         us. Minors may need their parent or guardian’s permission to use or access certain facilities or receive certain information through the Online Facilities.
         Minors may also be asked to confirm they have that permission, and we reserve the right to verify parental or guardian consent, where required.

         We try not to make a minor's participation in activities with us contingent on the minor disclosing any more personal information than is reasonably
         necessary in order to do so. We do not actively market to minors or use (or pass to any third party) personal information on persons known to be minors for
         any commercial purposes, without proper consent.

         Other age restrictions may apply to certain products, services or opportunities available through our Online Facilities. 


    We use different methods to collect data about you, including through:

    • Direct interactions. You may give us your Identity, Contact, Financial, Communication and certain Profile Data by filling in forms or by corresponding with us using contact details we provide on the Online Facilities. This includes, amongst other things, personal data you provide when you: request an iFollow or newsletter subscription); participate in interactive features, including any competition, promotion or survey; or give us feedback.

    • Automated technologies or interactions. As you interact with the Online Facilities, Technical & Usage Data about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns may also be collected or generated, along with Profile and Communications Data. We collect this personal data by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. We do not receive data from other websites you visit. Please see our cookie policy for further details. Other websites may use cookies which activate beyond their websites, including when you use the Online Facilities (you should check the cookies policy of those websites in those instances).

    • Third parties or publicly available sources. We may receive personal data about you from various third parties as set out below:

      • Technical & Usage Data from parties such as our analytics providers (including Google), and advertising networks (see below);

      • Identity, Contact, Profile, Financial, Transaction, Usage and Technical Data from providers of technical, payment and delivery services;

      • Identity, Contact, Profile, Usage and/or Technical Data from social media platforms which are publicly available or through which you may log in or interact with the Online Facilities;

      • Identity, Financial and/or Contact Data from data brokers or aggregators, such as those used for any credit reference or similar pre-service vetting facility (if any); and

      • Information from lawfully available sources where relevant to our bringing, defending or assisting in legal action (such as the police, regulators, investigators or publicly available sources).

    We may also supplement the information collected with other information that we obtain from our dealings with you or which we receive from other organisations, such as our commercial partners, and group companies.

  • Revisions

    The Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time without notice. You are encouraged to review the current Privacy Policy periodically, as your continued use of the Website constitutes acceptance.

  • Contact the Royal Football League Website Administrators

    If you have general questions regarding this statement or the website, email the